Maurice Dubois has been in housing since 1965 when he designed homes for a small home building company while in college; he majored in Home Building at Trinity University in San Antonio. After working with small and large builders, he started his own home building company in Iowa in 1971; he moved his company to the Dallas/Fort Worth area in 1979. For 15 years he designed and built several hundred homes, developed half a dozen subdivisions, and designed and built countless remodeling projects. He has been a real estate investor for over 30 years; during the real estate crash of the 1980s he bought a good number of small homes in south Fort Worth for an average price of $1,800 each. He has been a real estate broker, first in Iowa and then in Texas, since 1975. Maurice has been writing real estate related books since the early 1980s; he’s been helping sellers and buyers to realize maximum potential with their real estate needs.