On Buying a Brand New Home
Many new home buyers think all new homes are alike (except for price and size). Too many folks believe that one builder is just as good as another. That's as false an assumption as believing that all cars and all car manufacturers are equal.
Here's another assumption: That one home from a particular builder is just as good as another.
How can buyers be sure? With cars it's often an easy process; there are plenty of magazines and books that will guide buyers to the best manufacturers, the best, the safest, the most efficient models. Of course, if buyers make a mistake with a particular car they won't have to live with that mistake for many years; and the mistake won't cost them a fortune.
It's a very different story with a house. There are no books and magazines that lead the new home buyer to the best builders, the best models, and the best INDIVIDUAL homes. What do savvy new home buyers do?
The answer is professional help. Builders like to work with real estate brokers and agents. Having their own agent costs new home buyers nothing. If they obtain the help of an agent who is familiar with home construction, the new home market, and local home builders, then these home buyers have an excellent chance of avoiding a major buying mistake.
Here are three ideas new home buyers might want to consider:
- They can make sure their agents explain the new home loans available from the chosen builder and run spreadsheets showing them the pros and cons of each type of loan.
- They can ask their agents to look at the construction as it progresses if the house is bought prior to completion; it's often easy to see problems before they're covered up.
- They can have the house inspected by a licensed inspector prior to closing; a few hundred dollars spent at that point can save grief and thousands of dollars later.
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