A Worldwide Housing Bubble
The Daily Reckoning says that, "The real Estate bubble is a world-wide phenomenon. This is the tech-bubble of the late 1990s, transferred to real estate. Post tech-crash, the folks who run the world did not want to take the well-deserved recession, rebalance the financial books & portfolios, and get the macro-financial house in order. Bad for politics. Couple that with the post-9/11 goosing of the money supply to keep people going to Disneyland and buying big SUVs, and this is the Titanic hitting the iceberg and backing up and moving forward again a couple of times, just for good measure."
Some areas of the country are going to get clobbered. There will be lots of foreclosures. The Dallas area might be a little different, but it still looks like we might have a good increase in foreclosures that will allow some buyers to get great deals. We have several houses on contract right now that will be bought at a huge discount from actual value.
Call us if you want to know where to find great deals.
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